Brain Train Center Location in Richardson, Texas

Brain Train Center in Nearby Richardson

100 N. Central Expressway, Suite 544
Richardson, TX 75080

(972) 640-7022

Welcome to Brain Train Center in Richardson, Texas – your local resource for personalized brain health optimization. Brain Train offers a holistic approach that delivers lasting health benefits and results in improved quality of life for our clients. Our team of licensed and certified biofeedback therapists in Richardson is dedicated to delivering science-based neurofeedback therapy. Our goal is to reduce and correct negative brain patterns associated with anxiety, mental stress, ADHD, and other conditions.

Alyssa Merritt

Alyssa Merritt

Operating Partner
BrainTrain DFW • Richardson

Alyssa's passion lies in the human brain, mental wellness, and serving others. With a background in psychology and mental health, she was naturally drawn to Neurofeedback (NFB). After discovering its potential to help her family, friends, and their children, she committed herself to this innovative approach.

Alyssa's life purpose is to create new legacies. By embracing Neurofeedback, she aims to transform not only her family's legacy but also to improve the health and well-being of others. NFB offers a powerful alternative to traditional psychiatric drugs, helping individuals break free from negative patterns, old recordings, and toxicities that have accumulated over their lives.

Alyssa regards NFB as Operant Conditioning 2.0, as it operates on similar principles, where the timing and frequency of reinforcement are crucial in learning new behaviors. NFB training accelerates healing through consistent positive reinforcement. The numerous positive testimonies about NFB's effectiveness, along with Alyssa's personal experience as a client, provider, and advocate, speak volumes about its transformative impact. She was compelled to integrate this knowledge and practice into her life to benefit others in their health and life success.

Your brain health is our top priority. Schedule a Brain Train Center appointment today.